The project aims to characterise the production of malt from beer by introducing in the brewing supply chain some innovations concerning the production of raw materials and the malting process. In particular, some varieties of two-row barley, of high malt quality more suitable for Sicilian environments, and some old Sicilian wheats ("ancient grains") will be identified. At the farms and breweries involved in the project, the agronomic itineraries and malting aptitude of the varieties of common barley and wheat tested in the trials conducted by CREA and UNICT will be validated. In addition, the hygienic-sanitary quality (mycotoxin contamination) of the raw materials and the possibility of successfully introducing some innovative yeasts into the brewing process will be evaluated. It is a recent trend, in fact, to use as a starter for the production of beer strains of yeast belonging to the genus Saccharomyces, originally selected for the production of wine and cider, in addition to yeasts of other species characterised by particular enzymatic properties and the ability to inhibit the development of yeasts and altering bacteria. These activities aim to assess the suitability for fermentation of malts obtained from the raw materials identified through the use of the above-mentioned yeast strains to be used as a starter for the production of an innovative type of product. In this perspective, it will be possible to introduce innovations in the entire production process, from the agricultural phase to the processing of raw materials. Upstream, the identification of varieties of malt and wheat more tolerant to drought and the reduction of auxiliary inputs (fertilising soil processing), will entail agronomic and economic benefits in terms of maintaining the fertility of agricultural soils and crop diversification capable of intercepting the market needs of producers (malt from barley and wheat grown in Sicily). Also, there will be the possibility of entering into supply chain contracts, as well as agro-ecological repercussions, in the form of ecosystem services (erosion containment, quality of water resources, seizure of CO2). The reduced distances for the transport of raw materials will entail a significant additional economic and environmental advantage. Downstream, an innovative, characterised and traced malt will be obtained and proposed in the market with a brand “Sicily". Considering the participation in the partnership of some agricultural/craft breweries, the project will promote the establishment of a Sicilian artisan brewing supply chain by promoting a direct link between agricultural companies and processors and consequently with the markets, proposing a final product characterised as "Born in Sicily”. The "supply chain" approach will allow the creation of a network of companies and the project results will have a positive impact on the Sicilian agri-food sector and, ultimately, on the Italian and European ones. In fact, are also planned an economic analysis of the incomes of companies on the production of barley and malt, an economic analysis of the transformation process and an analysis of the willingness to pay by the consumer on the new products made. The network thus formed will also allow an increase in the level of concentration of the offer able to enter surplus value in the Sicilian brassica supply chain.

Presentation conference with the presentation of programs, objectives, aims and expected results

Creation of "on farm" and "on station" demonstration fields

Realization of campaign days

Verification of the malting attitudes of barley and grains and their subsequent use in the production of the final product for demonstration purposes

Verification through specific tests of the adaptability of innovative yeasts

Campaign Day on the occasion of the 06/2021 harvest
Support for the
Support for the establishment
nd management of operational groups
of the EIP on agricultural productivity and sustainability.